5 Novembre 2019Business

Affordable Housing

Our conference was created to be inclusive and inviting. From the beginning we have kept our conference small in the hopes that everyone will feel invited and at ease. One thing our attendees, speakers, and sponsors tell us every year is they love that they were able to talk to everyone in the room if they wanted to. This is a conference you can attend on your own and immediately make friends the room.

Michel Faber’s work transcends genres. Under the Skin is, arguably, scifi – but some reviewers wouldn’t see it as such because they ‘don’t read sci-fi.long hours in uncomfortable buses, sleepless nights in trains because your bunk buddy can’t stop snoring unbearable hours stuck in traffic during rush hour.If you travel, you will not only learn about foreign cultures, but about your own as well. Cover design signals genre. Readers often want a reliable experience, and that’s why they are drawn instantly recognisable books.

Web Genius Lab
June 1, 2019
Business, Politics

Scheduled Programs for the 2019 theGov Convention

Sometimes, the public debate gets stuck at the level of inspection grades, especially the overall effectiveness judgement. But the professional conversations between inspectors and school leaders are where the greatest value in our work lies. When we get this right – and we usually do – our work is acknowledged as constructive, helpful and, occasionally, even enjoyable by those on the other side of the process.

This year’s conferences mainly focused on curriculum, specifically how a deeper understanding of what we mean by curriculum can inform our inspection practice. We also held sessions on all the different ways in which children fall out of mainstream education, and on careers education. It’s the sessions on the curriculum that I want to talk about here. Our overall aim was to help inspectors evaluate how well a school’s curriculum is designed and implemented – both within the context of the current Ofsted framework and school inspection handbook and, as we develop an even sharper focus on the curriculum, for the education inspection framework 2019.

What Exactly Do We Mean By Curriculum?

We have asked our inspectors to apply this definition to their practice and explore these three areas of intent, implementation and impact when evaluating a school’s curriculum. In other words, what is a school trying to achieve through its curriculum, how is it being delivered and what difference is it making to pupils’ learning. These ideas are not new: rather they are about making visible what has sometimes been lost sight of.

  • Digital project planning and resourcing
  • In-House digital consulting
  • Permanent and contract recruitement
  • Developers and technical architects

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